Beatrice Pediconi è nata nel 1972 a New York dove vive e lavora. La sua formazione si svolge tra Parigi e Roma, dove si laurea in architettura nel 1998. A partire dal 1999 oltre a specializzarsi nella fotografia di architettura si dedica alla fotografia di ricerca. Le sue foto sono state esposte in mostre personali ed in varie collettive.La fotografia di Beatrice Pediconi diviene una ambigua visione che crea sconcerto per la  perdita di riconoscimento dell’immagine fotografata ma  è al tempo stesso il ritratto di una sua creazione.La fluidità e l’ambiguità delle immagini e l’utilizzo delle due tecniche di fotografia e di pittura contemporaneamente, raccontano di una società che si sta sempre più globalizzando e liquefacendo.




  • Beatrice Pediconi: Subject to Change, sepiaEYE Gallery, New York


  • Dimensioni Variabili, z2o Sara Zanin Gallery, Rome, Italy
  • Alien/Alieno, sepiaEYE Gallery, New York, USA


  • SIRENUSE, Video Installation, Hotel Le Sirenuse, Positano, Italy


  • Ephemeral Pigments, Institute of Fine Arts, New York, USA
  • Site-specific installation, 9″/Unlimited, Collezione Maramotti, Reggio Emilia, Italy


  • 9’/Unlimited, Collezione Maramotti, Reggio Emilia, Italy


  • Red, curated by Marco Tonelli in collaboration with Valentina Bonomo, z2o Sara Zanin Gallery, Rome, Italy


  • No Trace (solo show with Roberto De Paolis), Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris and  Italian Institute of Culture
  • No Trace (solo show con Roberto De Paolis), Italian Institute of Culture, Paris, France
  • No Trace (solo show con Roberto De Paolis), curated by Costanza Paissan, MACRO, Rome, Italy
  • Untitled, The Italian Academy, New York, USA


  • Senza Titolo 2009, Galleria Valentina Bonomo, Rome, Italy


  • Senza Titolo 2008, Photo & Contemporary Gallery, Turin, Italy
  • Corpi Sottili, Fuori Fuoco Gallery, Salerno, ITaly


  • Corpi Sottili, Photo & Contemporary Gallery, Turin, Italy
  • Corpi Sottili, Galleria Bonomo, Bari, Italy


  • Oltre, curated by Marilena Bonomo, Castello Svevo, Bari, Italy
  • Oltre, curated by Marilena Bonomo, Galleria Bonomo, Bari, Italy




  • L’altro sguardo, fotografie italiane 1965-2015, Palazzo delle Esposizioni,Rome,Italy


  • Nucleus – Imagining Science, Noorderlich Photofestival 2017, Groening, The Netherlands
  • Bounce, sepiaEYE Gallery, New York, USA
  • A preview to Desolation, curated by Premjish, Italian Embassy Cultural Center, New Delhi, India
  • ON/OFF Festival Video, Maison Victor Hugo, La Havana, Cuba


  • L’altro Sguardo. Fotografe italiane 1965-2015, Triennale di Milano, Milan, Italy
  • The ambigouos lightness og being, Diana Lowenstein Gallery, Miami, USA


  • Untitled 2008 (video installazione), L’altra metà del Cielo, Un percorso al femminile nella collezione del Macro, Macro, Roma, Italy
  • Untitled 2015, “Ensemble, quand la Maisonne Europeenne de la Photographie collectionne”, Les Rencontres des Arles, Arles, France
  • 9’/Unlimited, “Sequence Real Time video Biennal”, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • Expression Méditerranéennes de la poesie à l’engagement, Hotel des Artes, Tolone, France


  • Rectangular square, sepiaeye gallery, New York, USA
  • La Gioia, Maison Particulière Art center, Brussels, Belgium
  • Ephemeral Pigments, institute of Fine arts, New York, USA
  • “Resonance(s)”, Maison Particulière art center, Brussels, Belgium
  • Songes et Visions, Photomed Festival 2014, Sanary-Sur-Mer, France
  • “The Polaroids Year”, Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, FL, US2013
  • Storie e visioni: Silvia Camporesi, Simona Ghizzoni e Beatrice Pediconi, in collaboration with Contrasto, Auditorium Arte, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Rome, Italy
  • The Edge of Vision, curated by Lyle Rexer, Louisiana Art  & Science Museum, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
  • The Polaroids Year, curated by Mary-Kay Lombino, The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Vassar, New York, USA


  • Normandie Impressionist festival, “L’eau et les Rêves”, curated by Jean-Luc Monterosso and Dominique Goutard, Abbaye de Jumièges, Seine Maritime, France
  • The Polaroids Year, curated by Mary-Kay Lombino, The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Vassar, NY, USA
  • “La Magnifica Ossessione” curated by Mart, Mart Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Italy


  • The Edge of Vision, curated by Lyle Rexer, Clay Center for the Arts and Sciences, Cherleston, WV, USA
  • Light Matter, curated by Lisa Banner, Pelham Art Center, Pelham, New York, USA
  • Lux, an Art and Science Exhibition, Milstein Hall Gallery, Cornell Council for the Arts, Ithaca, New York, USA
  • The Edge of Vision, curated by Lyle Rexer, Ronna and Eric Hoffman Gallery, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, USA


  • A Private History, Museo Manège, Moscow, Russia
  • Natura Anfibia, curated by Claudio Composti, Acquario Civico, Milan, Italy
  • The Edge of Vision, The Rise of Abstraction in Photography, curated by Lyle Rexer,Cornell Fine Art
  • Museum, Winter Park, Florida , USA
  • Season of Water: reflections, curated by Claudia Chapline and Etta Deikman, Gallery  Route One
  • Project Space, Point  Reyes Station, Canada


  • Frames! Italian Style in Contemporary Video Art, curated by Nicola Davide Angerame, Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • The Edge of Vision, The Rise of Abstraction in Photography, curated by Lyle Rexer, Center for Creative Photography, Tucson, USA
  • Artisti a Palazzo, curated by Ludovico Pratesi, Palazzo Gargasole, Garigliano del Capo, Puglia, Italy
  • La Camera dello Sguardo, Fotografi Italiani, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva, Palazzo Sant’ Elia, Palermo, Italy


  • Giovanimaestri, mc2 Gallery, Milan, Italy
  • 1+1, Galleria Bonomo, Bari, Italy
  • Nativity, Casa delle Letterature, Rome, Italy
  • Disoriented Imagery, z2o Galleria | Sara Zanin, Rome (with Tracey Moffat and Marina Paris)
  • Photo Vernissage 2008, Museo Manège, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • VII Festival of Experimental Art (Biennal), St. Petersburg (she wins  Best artist 2008 prize)
  • A Private History, Photo España, Madrid, Spain
  • A Private History, Museo Bilotti, Rome, Italy
  • Amate l’Architettura, Acquario Romano, Rome, Italy
  • Avventure dello Sguardo, ex Chiesa Anglicana, Alassio, Genoa, Italy


  • Avventura e Racconti, Dimora Intini, Noci, Bari, Italy


  • Notte Chiara, Palazzo Rutigliano, Bari, Italy